Source code for aiofb.api

import aiohttp
import async_timeout
from .exceptions import GraphAPIException

[docs]class GraphAPI: """A Facebook Graph API wrapper. """ ROOT_URL = '' VERSION = '3.0' URL = '{0}/v{1}'.format(ROOT_URL, VERSION) def __init__(self, access_token=None, session=None, timeout=10): """ Parameters ---------- access_token : str Facebook Graph API access token. session: aiohttp.ClientSession, optional An aiohttp.ClientSession instance to be used for making requests. timeout: int, optional timeout for API requests. """ self.access_token = access_token #: str: API access token self.http_headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} #: dict: default HTTP headers self.async_timeout = timeout #: int: timeout for HTTP requests self.session = session #: aiohttp.ClientSession: Aiohttp session.
[docs] async def request(self, method, path, session=None, **kwargs): """Make an HTTP request to the API Parameters ---------- method : str HTTP method path : str API endpoint session : ClientSession, optional An aiohttp.ClientSession to be used for making the request. \*\*kwargs Keyword arguments to be passed to aiohttp request. For more info check """ _session = session or self.session kwargs['params'] = kwargs.get('params', {}) kwargs['params']['access_token'] = self.access_token if not kwargs.get('headers'): kwargs['headers'] = self.http_headers async with _session or aiohttp.ClientSession() as _session: async with async_timeout.timeout(self.async_timeout): async with _session.request( method, self.__class__.URL + path, **kwargs) as response: if response.status < 400: return await response.json() else: message = await response.text() raise GraphAPIException(message, response=response)
[docs] async def get(self, path, session=None, **kwargs): """Make a HTTP GET request to the API. A wrapper to :func:`~aiofb.api.GraphAPI.request` for GET requests. """ return await self.request('GET', path, session, **kwargs)
[docs] async def post(self, path, session=None, **kwargs): """Make a HTTP POST request to the API. A wrapper to :func:`~aiofb.api.GraphAPI.request` for POST requests. """ return await self.request('POST', path, session, **kwargs)
[docs]class Messenger(GraphAPI): """Messenger Platform API wrapper. This class provides some additional for accessing Messenger API a bit more conveniently """ #: list of str: Default user profile properties to be requested DEFAULT_USER_PROFILE_FIELDS = ['name', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'profile_pic']
[docs] async def update_profile(self, data, session=None): """Update bot's Messenger profile properties. Sets the values of one or more Messenger Profile properties. Only properties set in the request body will be overwritten. To set or update Messenger Profile properties you must have the 'Administrator' role for the Page associated with the bot. Parameters ---------- data : dict data for the update """ return await '/me/messenger_profile', session=session, json=data )
[docs] async def get_user_profile(self, psid, fields=None, session=None): """Retrieve user profile information using PSID. Parameters ---------- psid : str User PSID fields : list List of field to be retieved. If not provided ``Messenger.DEFAULT_USER_PROFILE_FIELDS`` will be used. """ _fields = fields or self.__class__.DEFAULT_USER_PROFILE_FIELDS return await self.get( '/{}'.format(psid), session=session, params={'fields': ','.join(_fields)} )
[docs] async def send_message(self, data, session=None): """Send messages to user This may include text, attachments, structured message templates, sender actions, and more. Parameters ---------- data : dict Message data. """ return await '/me/messages', session=session, json=data )
[docs] async def pass_thread_control(self, data, session=None): """Pass thread control from your app to another app. Parameters ---------- data : dict Data for the handover. """ return await '/me/pass_thread_control', session=session, json=data )
[docs] async def take_thread_control(self, data, session=None): """Take thread control from another app. Parameters ---------- data : dict Data for the handover. """ return await '/me/take_thread_control', session=session, json=data )